Patent grant multi-page PDF images

Patent grant multi-page PDF images (JUL 31, 1790 - present)

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Contains the images of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) from July 31, 1790 to present in Portable Document Format (PDF). Entire collection approx. 10 TB.
Contains the images of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) from July 31, 1790 to present in Portable Document Format (PDF) created from the Patent Grant Single-Page TIFF Images. Also included are older grants that have new Certificates-of-Correction (C-of-C) and rescanned images of older patent grants. Each weekly file contains approx. 6,000 patent grants. Approx. 9 GB (compressed) per week.
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2024-07-23   Download (1.1 GB)

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