Patent grant full text data/XML

Patent grant full text data (no images) (JAN 1976 - present) (1976 - 2001 Automated Patent System (APS) format is Green Book)

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Contains the full text of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) from January 1, 1976 to present (excludes images/drawings and reexaminations). Subset of the Patent Grant Full Text Data with Embedded TIFF Images.
Contains (JAN 2002 - present) the full text of each patent grant issued weekly (Tuesdays) (excludes images/drawings and reexaminations). The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the Patent Grant International Common Element (ICE) Document Type Definition (DTD).
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2024-07-23   Download (135.12 MB)

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