This visual shows statistics for the Green Tech Pilot Program regarding applications in green technologies.
The Office is no longer accepting Petitions to Make Special Under the Green Technology Pilot Program or requests for reconsideration based solely on a defective original petition.
Under the Green Technology Pilot Program, an applicant was able to have an application advanced out of turn (accorded special status) for examination, for applications pertaining to green technologies including greenhouse gas reduction (applications pertaining to environmental quality, energy conservation, development of renewable energy resources or greenhouse gas emission reduction). The Green Technology Pilot Program was modified several times, including expanding its eligibility to include applications filed on or after December 8, 2009, in addition to applications filed before December 8, 2009, and extending the program until March 30, 2012, or the date that 3,500 applications have been accorded special status under this program. The Green Technology Pilot Program provided for applications pertaining to green technologies, including greenhouse gas reduction, to be advanced out of turn for examination without meeting all of the current requirements of the accelerated examination program (e.g., examination support document) or the Prioritized Examination (Track I) program.
Going forward, applicants may instead use the Prioritized Examination (Track I) program or the accelerated examination program. Both the Track I and accelerated examination programs not only provide advancement of examination, but set a target of reaching final disposition within 12 months from the time advancement is initiated.
Source: Data Visualization Center:
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