How to query Patents Public Search for the Cancer Moonshot initiative

By Dr. Jesse P. Frumkin, PhD, Bioinformatics Patent Examiner and Data Scientist

In 2016, USPTO Chief Economist Office and the USPTO Enterprise Advanced Analytics Branch crowdsourced insights from the public regarding hundreds of thousands of cancer-related patent documents, as documented in Frumkin, Jesse and Myers, Amanda F., Cancer Moonshot Patent Data (August, 2016). Here, I address the need to continuously monitor and analyze cancer-related patent documents using the tool of your choice, such as the USPTO’s new Patents Public Search, the global patent documents in World Intellectual Property Organization’s Patentscope, or the chemogenomic linkages in the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s PubChem Classification Browser.

Each initiative that is championed by the Cancer Moonshot’s Blue Ribbon Panel Report maps to various patent topics derived from the work of patent classifiers. Specifically, each topic maps to classification symbols from the Cooperative Patent Classification scheme that is used by patent offices to categorize the technological topics in patent documents.Note that some of the symbols below retrieve cancer-specific documents, while others reflect broad bioinformatics inventions applicable to both cancer research and other biomedical fields. In general, there is a trend toward more diversity and quantity of biological and computational inventions that drive modern research in cancer biology.

The views and comments expressed herein are solely the opinion of the author and are not endorsed by, nor should be construed as, any viewpoint official or unofficial of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The author confirms to the best of his knowledge that no information contained herein is privileged, confidential, or classified.

Dr. Jesse P. Frumkin, PhD, Bioinformatics Patent Examiner and Data Scientist